Nuova clip Inedita di Jamie & Claire "Back at Castle Leoch" Ep 1×09
Nuova clip inedita dall’episodio 1×09 “The Reckoning”, di Jamie e Claire, di ritorno a Castle Leoch dopo il loro matrimonio, dal Blu-Ray in uscita negli USA il 29 settembre (in Inghilterra esce oggi 28/98 e da noi in Italia il 18 novembre), che vede la presenza di 12 minuti di materiale inedito fra extended scenes e scene tagliate. Quella di oggi ne è un piccolo assaggio.
2 commenti
Unfortunately, it also has its share of negative effects.
Nothing is more important than seeking professional help and expert advice regularly while
educating yourself. This process addiction-or an addiction associated with an action instead of a
harmful substance-must be treated in conjunction with porn
Unfortunately, it also has its share of negative effects.
Nothing is more important than seeking professional help and expert advice regularly while
educating yourself. This process addiction-or an addiction associated with an action instead of a
harmful substance-must be treated in conjunction with porn